Inspiring generations to co-exist

recreation, education, conservation

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Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast


Moreton Bay

Moreton Bay


Gold Coast

Gold Coast


Scenic Rim / Logan

Scenic Rim / Logan









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What is a Collective?


Co-Exist Collectives are a community of people that are passionate about conservation. These collectives aim to inspire their local communities to Co-Exist for future generations.
Deciding to become a member of a collective  surrounds you with passionate, like-minded people who want to make a difference in the community. Examples of activities that our collectives take part in are:

  • tree plantings
  • beach cleanups
  • revegetation work
  • recycling initiatives
  • wildlife research
  • citizen science and educating local residents, businesses community groups and schools on coexistence with the environment.

Co-Exist Collectives aren’t just focused on projects within the community. We see a movement of people that do life together, that surf after cleaning up the beach, hike through the bush after tree planting, share food together and make memories. We are a community. We are not a workload driven organisation.
If you are keen to join a community of people that are driven by and active in making a difference, join us today!

Our Work with Schools!

We are passionate about young people-the next generation who will lead this country and be making decisions around its future. We believe we need to re-inspire the next generation to get outside and develop a passion for the great outdoors. After all, it won’t be saved if people aren’t passionate about it.

We believe that it is integral for young people, whilst at school, to be educated about the environment. They must be shown the example of caring for it and tending it. They must learn about flora and fauna and why conservation is important.

Co-Exist Schools Partnership

We love working with schools and this is why we have created the “Co-Exist Schools” partnership.

If your school would like to partner with us so Co-Exist can facilitate community conservation at your school, we would love to hear from you.

What does this mean? 

Co-Exist will facilitate our Schools Program directly with your students. We will establish and maintain student lead eco initiatives on your campus. Initiatives such as:

  • Recycling stations and initiatives
  • Treeplantings and native flora enhancement 
  • Wildlife habitat boxes & homes
  • Sustainable food gardens
  • Workshops around environment conservation, eco-anxiety, recycling, sustainability + much more!
  • First Nations educational programs
  • Research & citizen science

Workshops, Seminars, Speaking Engagements.

We have an incredible team of passionate individuals that offer amazing workshops and speaking engagements to schools and community groups.

If you are looking for an informative presenter to speak about climate change, eco-anxiety, recycling, sustainability, wildlife, flora + much more we can facilitate the perfect program.

Our trained speakers can facilitate programs suited to your requirements or curriculum.

Booking Kurt Jones, our Founder

Kurt Jones is an incredible young person who has an inspiring life story. Where he has come from to where he is now, at 19 years old, running one of Australia’s fastest growing conservation movements is an amazing tale.

Growing up in a low social economic area, Kurt experienced a troubled childhood. After being expelled from various primary schools, Kurt was enrolled in a secondary school for disengaged youth. He had an incredible experience at high school that re engaged him into society and lead him to finding his passion for the outdoors and wildlife. Since then Kurt has been in various conservation roles but has always dreamed of starting a movement to engage young people with the environment. He followed his dream and today Co-Exist has a wide influence right across our nation.

Kurt is an engaging speaker and inspires many people to find their passion while following their dreams. He has an incredible ability to engage young people in the idea of environmental conservation and the importance for young people to step up and make a difference in the space.

From speaking at his first conference in grade 8 with over 700 school leadership staff and principals, MC’ing assemblies throughout school, engaging in community speaking and work with radio and television, Kurt now speaks to thousands at events and conferences.

To send us an inquiry fill out the form below

About Us

Our Vision 

“Inspiring Generations To Co-Exist With Wildlife & Wildplaces Through Experiences Of Recreation, Education, Conservation” 

Our Mission

“To develop communities, projects and social enterprises that empower all people and future generations to coexist with the the planet.”

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved in all the great things that are happening in our organisation, whether you could give one day to Volunteer or multiple, feel free to reach out. we would love your support in helping us achieve our vision!

Our Sponsors



Contact Us. For The Wild!
